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dc.contributor.authorVILLATORO TELLO, ESAU-
dc.contributor.authorSANCHEZ SANCHEZ, CHRISTIAN-
dc.contributor.authorJIMENEZ SALAZAR, HECTOR-
dc.contributor.authorLUNA RAMIREZ, WULFRANO ARTURO-
dc.contributor.authorRODRIGUEZ LUCATERO, CARLOS-
dc.coverage.spatial<dc:creator id="info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/165545">ESAU VILLATORO TELLO</dc:creator>-
dc.coverage.spatial<dc:creator id="info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/170715">CHRISTIAN SANCHEZ SANCHEZ</dc:creator>-
dc.coverage.spatial<dc:creator id="info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/54971">HECTOR JIMENEZ SALAZAR</dc:creator>-
dc.coverage.spatial<dc:creator id="info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/171288">WULFRANO ARTURO LUNA RAMIREZ</dc:creator>-
dc.coverage.spatial<dc:creator id="info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/59762">CARLOS RODRIGUEZ LUCATERO</dc:creator>-
dc.identifier.citationINEX’12 Workshop Pre-proceedingen_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes the system developed by the Language and Reasoning Group of UAM for the Relevance Feedback track of INEX 2012. The presented system focuses on the problem of ranking documents in accordance to their relevance. It is mainly based on the following hypotheses: (i) current IR machines are able to retrieve relevant documents for most of general queries, but they can not generate a pertinent ranking; and (ii) focused relevance feedback could provide more and better elements for the ranking process than isolated query terms. Based on these hypotheses, our participation at INEX 2012 aimed to demonstrate that using some query-related relevance feedback it is possible to improve the final ranking of the retrieved documents.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipInitiative for the Evaluation of XMLen_US
dc.publisherRoma : Initiative for the Evaluation of XMLen_US
dc.subjectRecuperación de informaciónen_US
dc.subjectMétodo probabilísticoen_US
dc.subjectRefinamiento de clasificaciónen_US
dc.titleUAM at INEX 2012 relevance feedback track: using a probabilistic method for ranking refinementen_US
dc.typeCapítulo de libroen_US
Aparece en las colecciones:Libros

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